var com_pane; var add_pane; function displaycomments(entryid) { com_pane ="","com_pane","height=500,width=350,resizable,scrollbars"); com_pane.document.writeln("Comments

The Voice of the People

There is no cure in talking if we are essentially alone. - Freud

"); if (entryid=='1807106230403') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Testing again, in April.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 9 April at 10:21pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1807106230403') {com_pane.document.writeln("


| Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 9 April at 10:18pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1807106230403') {com_pane.document.writeln("


TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 9 April at 10:17pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1807106230403') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Testing in April

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 9 April at 10:16pm

"); } // if (entryid=='050070141602') {com_pane.document.writeln("

*hushed awe* ... sad beauty in devotion ... truly so. is it ok with you if i show your blog on mine? no conditions involved .. your writing is stunning.

shell | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 9 February at 1:22pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1808106235235') {com_pane.document.writeln("

actually i was hoping you'd get a little more, ahem, freudian there.... :)

but all seriousness aside.... i read your post as not just a reflection of taste, but as something of a reflection of /travis/. of the primary features most important in making a 'good travis'... :)


or am /i/ just being a little too freudean here?

paul g. | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 10 November at 9:13pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2309106234726') {com_pane.document.writeln("

You never email, you never call? I'm beginning to think you don't have my email address... :)
Good to see you're still up and running, and by the way - i really enjoyed the Mandelbrot Set.

P.J. Snell | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 1 November at 7:39am

"); } // if (entryid=='2309106234726') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Missed you at lunch today.

Onomattopeia | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 25 October at 7:43pm

"); } // if (entryid=='') {com_pane.document.writeln("

| Email | Homepage
posted on

"); } // if (entryid=='1808106235235') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Well, that's the natural question, isn't it? I reserve the right to define a 'good' cafe any way I like. After all, that's what I consider good. Of course it says a lot about me - the whole post is my opinion, and I'm not gonna play that whole game of 'well, other people may value other things, but this is what I like...' Other people will disagree with me, obviously. But that won't make me apologize for, or qualify, my opinion in any way. This is what makes a good cafe. Period. Take what you like from that!

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 22 September at 3:49pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1808106235235') {com_pane.document.writeln("

how much does this post say about YOU, not merely about your favourite cafes, travis? reflect it back!!

dig? ...

paul g. | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 22 September at 10:10am

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("


| Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 9 September at 4:03pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 5 September at 7:12pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("

no, It is not merely suggests that I will need a password to access it and have no idea how I am supposed to over-ride this when it comes up. If you just give me your emaillll.....that would be enough. THanks

josh | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 5 September at 6:59pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Is my email link down or something?

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 4 September at 8:11pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2107106211050') {com_pane.document.writeln("

damn wormholes ... screw EVERYTHING up ...

paul g. | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 September at 10:32pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2107106211050') {com_pane.document.writeln("

i think you are actually worse at emailing, all things considered, that you are at telephoning, travis....

and what's rather ironic is that my blog is set as basically semi-private, 'friends only' -- but if you just link straight to it from outside myspace, it's ALL PUBLIC !!!

which means i probably ought to get around to editing and 'house cleaning' glass houses can get pretty spotty, after all ... :)

Paul G. | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 September at 12:55am

"); } // if (entryid=='2107106211050') {com_pane.document.writeln("

i can't believe it took this long for it to click: travis' website, remember that?

sheesh ...

well in honour of the topic at hand, here's something i wrote recently about my little montreal dream cafe ... okay, it's from an email i wrote to someone else, a friend back in calgary, so sue me. the topic of discussion /was/ cafes... besides, contrary to your implications in the post to which i am commenting, -- it's not like you actually email me that much. you bastard! ;) and you've got my # now, call me, it's working...

anyway, here...


i went to casa, casa del popolo that is, last week. in the evening. i don't know who told me about it, but someone out west somewhere did. i remembered... it's an awesome funky and not so little exactly (by calgary standards anyway) cafe up st.-laurent about 4 or 5 blocks off mont-royal. it's a vegetarian cafe, and the coffee is all fair trade and ONLY like espressos and cappos and, okay, they will brew you an americano... all for $1.50. okay, small cups. but shit, a buck-fifty! for an espresso or a cappo... anyway, i had never been there at night, because i always had to go back to the shelter... and for some idiotic reason i don't even remember not to mention understand i was scared to go back this month...

anyway. so i went there this evening. sat out in the back terrasse, smoking. beside a beautiful girl sitting alone drinking a beer and smoking gauloises... the terrasse is fenced in, brown wooden fence. there is a garden of sorts on the sides, i think a little garden buddha is in there somewhere too if recall correctly. trees over top, someone's back balcony i believe as well up there... there are xmas lights, but only white not dumb colours, strung not too many of them around the fence. it's a beautiful summer night, not too hot, just perfect. people are hanging out, some in groups talking. about 65/35 french/english or so i'd say. some others alone smoking, reading, writing... me, i read my book, ate my tofu piquante sandwich, drank my $1.50 cappo, smoked, stole glances at damn hot girl sitting next to me and at the other one a few tables down whom i am pretty sure was checking me out. etc. etc. and i just felt so -- well. it was beautiful. period.

then a guy from the band who were setting up came around, talking to every table. he was telling us they'd start in about an hour, it'd be a $5.00 cover if we decided to stay. that's when i found out the pretty girl next table was scared of flutes, she saw a flute in the band and got concerned. which i thought was weird, so a little later i asked her why she is scared of flutes. she talked in the SEXIEST fucking french accent, sheeyit... not all girls, not so many, have /that/ accent. she did. anywaaaay... she said her dad is /really/ into jethro tull. listens to all the time. i think it was jethro tull. anyway. so flutes freak her out. okay....

i didn't have money for cover left. so after about an hour hanging and reading and the other stuff i had to leave. (the girl who is scared of flutes i overheard a cell conversation she didn't have any money for cover that night, either.) so i pack up because i have to leave...

so i think that whole cafe thing is very different for me.....


but i am in montreal. cafe culture died -- or was murdered maybe, smothered -- in calgary. it will never die away so in montreal.

[...] i used to go to the koop all the time in calgary. most of the friendships there were superficial too. but not all of them. even the 'superficial' ones, often i exchanged #s with people, had long talks about everything, took girls to the co-op supermarket with me (it was some kid of courting ritual or something for me... :) ) we often hung out outside the cafes. some of those people even became friends, even dated out of that place a coulpe of times, amazingly... but it was a different scene, a different era (early to mid 90s, calgary's last gasp at being a half-decent town. fulcrum period of choice: become a real city, or just a big shitty /town/. and we all know what path it was led down by its corporate aristocracy...

it's late. i have to get up in the morning to go register for french courses.


p.s. send me some pictures of remedy and that street view, the garneau etc. preferably at night if it can possibly be managed... sitting by that window inpsired a lot in me over those years... from the bad to the ugly to the sublime...

btw i miss you too... :)

Paul Gauthier | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 September at 1:03am

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("

If you can't access my website then my number is 447-2038 if you have a chance give me a ring please. Thanks

joshua Gallis | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 29 August at 9:57pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2807106233751') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Hey Mcenery, THis is totally unrelated but I need to get in touch with you to talk about some stuff concerning the internet. If you get this can you please give me an email so I can finally figure out what your email address is or could you leave me a phone number to get in touch with you. I need your help.....this message will never self-destruct...

joshua gallis | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 29 August at 9:55pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1807106230403') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Yup, still testing this out.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 18 August at 11:05pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1707106220257') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Seems I'd spoken a little too soon. But I think I got it figured out now.

TSM (again) | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 18 August at 10:57pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1707106220257') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Gotta test the other end of ths.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 18 August at 10:49pm

"); } // if (entryid=='') {com_pane.document.writeln("

| Email | Homepage
posted on

"); } // if (entryid=='0307106215430') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Well, I stand corrected. I didn't actually look it up. Odd that the word is never used as a verb in the trade.

Thanks for the clarification, though.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 10 August at 11:25pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0307106215430') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Yeah. It's a transitive verb: I should have said, 'What materials can be lathed with it?'

I actually looked it up to see if I could use it as a verb, skimmed the definition, then loused it up:

tr.v. lathed, lath·ing, lathes

To cut or shape on a lathe.

Majik Sznak | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 9 August at 2:45pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0307106215430') {com_pane.document.writeln("

It's a metal lathe. Brass, stainless, anything's game. Plastics are really easy, too. It's just small - it can only handle work up to six inches long or so.

Also, 'lathe' is not a verb. You 'turn' or 'machine' a piece on a lathe. (Read the above in a snooty and elitist voice).

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 4 August at 9:40am

"); } // if (entryid=='0307106215430') {com_pane.document.writeln("

What are you going to do with it? What sorts of material can it lathe?

Majik Sznak | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 4 August at 9:15am

"); } // if (entryid=='11041060100536') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I'm tired, and I'm quite drunk, but my response is on my blog. Oh, you should have come by Doyle's, it was a riot. Paul wishes you were there.

Riley | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 15 May at 2:10am

"); } // if (entryid=='19031060105052') {com_pane.document.writeln("

It's been 5 years and the cravings don't stop. Except now I can smoke one every few months and not need a second.

bSa | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 11 May at 10:37pm

"); } // if (entryid=='06041060101316') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Having had this conversation with you many times over the years, you have taught me what faith really means, and, 'Yes,' I really do understand it. This said, however, I don't think relativity can be used as a blanket explanation of Genesis. You could use it to explain anything that has to do with perspective or time. It's too general. Besides, did't you once tell me that Einstein took back everything that he said when he died? Yup....although, I haven't ever read that anwywere.

Riley | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 10 May at 9:36am

"); } // if (entryid=='19031060105052') {com_pane.document.writeln("


Majik Sznak | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 24 April at 10:45am

"); } // if (entryid=='27001060103554') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Travis, do you still have that essay you wrote in University about OK Computer? Whenever I listen to the album, I always think of that essay you wrote

Phil | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 31 January at 5:38pm

"); } // if (entryid=='27001060103554') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Actually, it was called 'The Funky Chicken Rumba', and we were, collectively, Another Big Wazoo Theorem. And yes, '93 sounds about right.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 27 January at 4:29pm

"); } // if (entryid=='27001060103554') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I don't think that it's the scotch that is talking, but it could be the Radiohead making you nostalgic. Let me see if I can do you remember, 'Get on the Bus.' from '93? I think that's what we called it.

Riz | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 27 January at 10:33am

"); } // if (entryid=='24001060100535') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Phew. The first time I read the first sentence, I read, 'You gain a whole new appreciation for humans when you have to peel the chick peas yourself.'

Majik Sznak | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 25 January at 10:29am

"); } // if (entryid=='08001060102249') {com_pane.document.writeln("

in cambridge there's only one almost decent cafe and it shuts down at 6 PM on weekdays... i think even the tim horton's -- and there's more tim horton's with their crappy coffee than you can shake a stick at -- even they aren't 24 hour...

you've got it easy, kid. :)

paul | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 8 January at 3:30pm

"); } // }