var com_pane; var add_pane; function displaycomments(entryid) { com_pane ="","com_pane","height=500,width=700,resizable,scrollbars"); com_pane.document.writeln("Comments

The Voice of the People

There is no cure in talking if we are essentially alone. - Freud

"); //&// if (entryid=='Paste Entry Number') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Holy cow. Everything still works after nine years. Amazing.

Travis | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 19 January at 2:34pm

"); } // if (entryid=='Paste Entry Number') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Wonder if the comments still work, too...

Travis | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 19 January at 2:33pm

"); } // if (entryid=='30111100105047') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Just gotta do a final check...

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 16 September at 10:27pm

"); } // if (entryid=='30111100105047') {com_pane.document.writeln("

This is an actual comment...

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 16 September at 10:18pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0702111204940') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Yes, it is unfortunate, but I don't actually associate the Iron Cross itself with Nazism. When it's accompanied by an 'Arbeit macht frei' though, it generally can be taken to mean exactly what it did mean in this case.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 22 March at 6:29pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0702111204940') {com_pane.document.writeln("

2 things to say!
number one, i was actually going to ask you if you had a name for it, but the thought passed too quickly as the conversations advanced.

number 2, its unfortunate that an iron cross has been lost to the symbolism of neo-nazi types, because the symbol itself is very very old, and was awarded for bravery, something that i feel these types lack.

Chris Jensen | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 21 March at 9:15pm

"); } // if (entryid=='15021110100231') {com_pane.document.writeln("

how i know the pain, probably not to the same extent. but i do, i really do!

chris Jensen | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 21 March at 9:05pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0902111230406') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Live each day as though it were our last... to me.. means I'm to do everything I can to serve God, during my routine day.. listening for His Voice directing me in my day and being obedient to it.
'What does it mean to you'... is a good question every morning..Thanks for the reminder.

Cheryl | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 11 March at 10:20am

"); } // if (entryid=='0902111230406') {com_pane.document.writeln("

That's a beautiful quote, Steve.

I think the problem with the cliche is that it's too easy to take it at face value and think that it's a nice - but unattainable - idea. A sort of lofty goal that everyone knows is actually impossible but still kind of wishes for. I know it can be taken to mean exactly what you said, but the actual wording of the cliche in its typical form ends up twice-removed from that meaning and makes it far less useful, in my opinion.

Either way - I think we're driving at the same point.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 10 March at 10:41pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0902111230406') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Yes, it is a cliche to try and live everyday as if it were your last which we can't do. But I don't think that is really what people mean when they say it. I think more that it means don't make this day a throw away day, just something to endure and get through. For me the cliche points to a deeper project, the one of making our very lives into works of art. This is the project that was profoundly articulated by the lovable crank Thoreau (yes I am an American!):

'To be awake is to be alive. I have never yet met a man who was quite awake. How could I have looked him in the face? We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts. Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details, worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour.'

Steve | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 10 March at 8:53am

"); } // if (entryid=='0201111205105') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Sorry for the anxiety. Sadly, here's some more: somehow, my entire comment file disappeared shortly after you made this comment. I have no idea why. Can't see anything wrong.

Got it fixed, but there are still a few comments I need to go back and put in manually... Weird. Really not your fault, just... very strange...

And BTW, I finished Demons. It's awesome. Of course.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 22 February at 11:39pm

"); } // if (entryid=='30111100104645') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Nice to have a dumb post I can check fixes with...

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 22 February at 11:38pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1500111230817') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I could add to that the fact that I haven't actually bought my 2011 range pass yet. But to be fair, there's always the basement and the air rifle, and I haven't done much of that at all either. Gotta do some more of it.

TSM | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='1500111230817') {com_pane.document.writeln("


He doesn't really need to give excusses for not going, the truth is that he shoots at an outdoor range, and it has been bloody cold whenever he's had the time.

Zoe | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='1500111230817') {com_pane.document.writeln("

You're being too hard on yourself, man. You were sick(ish). It'd been a month, plus. You were probably putting at least unconscious pressure on yourself. Sure, the slack was real: I've had a bit of the same after barely picking up my camera for over a month... But next time *will* be better. A lot better.

Just stop making excuses for not doing it... :)

Paul Gauthier | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='0900111212513') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Rabbi Heschel once said, 'Never once in my life did I ask God for success or wisdom or power or fame. I asked for wonder, and he gave it to me.'

Steve | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='0900111212513') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Just finishing: The Pillars of the Earth. Would be easier on your Kobo. I read Anna Karenina.. interesting. Talk to you soon.

Mom | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='0201111205105') {com_pane.document.writeln("

This is exactly what Dostoevsky is like. The feeling of failure when part way through the gigantic novel I just can't remember who is who anymore. Thanks for the anxiety.

Samantha | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='0407110234021') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Wow you are truly a coffee addict, you miss the sound of coffee being made!

Samantha | Email | Homepage

"); } // if (entryid=='1705110150507') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Travis you are a great writer and I see a Man developing... one I'm proud of.... it is hard to look at ones own faults... at least you are man enough to recognize your problems and humble enough to share them....
I have a special ring (since a teenager) I wear when things are very much in need of prayer to remind me for that person or thing
It works every time.
I hadn't check your web for months... very well written... you would make a good writer I'm sure.

Mom | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 22 June at 10:54am

"); } // if (entryid=='1705110150507') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Hey, weird. If I screw up an italicization tag in a post, it italicizes the menu, too! Nifty!

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 17 June at 3:08pm

"); } // if (entryid=='1303110100803') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Just checking...

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 22 May at 8:25pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2502110150657') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Your April 2, 2010 Good Friday description of your experienceis profound and heart-warming.Other parishioners would be deeply touched if you share this with them through the Trumpet.

Thanks for sharing

Reg | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 7 April at 9:41pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2502110150657') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Your April 2, 2010 Good Friday description of your experienceis profound and heart-warming.Other parishioners would be deeply touched if you share this with them through the Trumpet.

Thanks for sharing

Reg | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 7 April at 9:41pm

"); } // if (entryid=='03031100105302') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Your April 2, Good Friday is an excellent,heart-warming description of your experience Perhaps you may be willing to share with others through the Trumpet. I'm sure many parisioners would be deeply touched by your experience.

Thanks for sharing.

Reg | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 7 April at 8:43pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0503110205058') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I think agreeing to serve dessert everyday if he finishes his supper may have helped as well.

Though he does seem to have better table manners when addressed as 'Dino Parana'

Mommy Dinosaur | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 6 April at 4:15pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0503110205058') {com_pane.document.writeln("

this is cute... we used to play 'Airplane' with you!
Hope you had a lovely Easter.

Mom | Email | Homepage
posted on Tuesday, 6 April at 4:09pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2001110234756') {com_pane.document.writeln("

sorry it took me so long to read this!

that was good! I like the part about the badger!

Jensmo the amazing | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 18 May at 11:53am

"); } // if (entryid=='1301110195236') {com_pane.document.writeln("

This is my whole day every day.

And no. Nothing happens between supper and bedtime snack. One leads into the other.

Jess | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 13 February at 9:37pm

"); } // if (entryid=='29001100103053') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Travis, old friend, you brought tears to my eyes with this. Thank you.

Jess | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 7 February at 12:36am

"); } // if (entryid=='29001100103053') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Beautifully written.

Someone somewhere said something similar to said statement: If life is not contemplative it is nothing.

Steve London | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 29 January at 8:19pm

"); } // if (entryid=='2800110122342') {com_pane.document.writeln("

What's the stock price for 'The World', anyway? Anyone know what shares are selling at?

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 29 January at 12:29am

"); } // if (entryid=='2800110122342') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Has anyone actually taken a close look at how many shares they have in the world. Perhaps they are close and no one noticed.

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Thursday, 28 January at 3:50pm

"); } // if (entryid=='18001100100947') {com_pane.document.writeln("

As regards the question of 'Why do the others receive so little attention', I'm tempted to fall back to the position that the reality of the matter just isn't news; 'Christian figure says something reasonable and intelligent' isn't a headline unless you're Bill Maher. At the same time, though, that answer seems far too simplistic, like we're just throwing our hands in the air and saying, 'hey, what can you do?'

The question, I think, needs an answer. I don't have one. But perhaps it's a question that is actually facing the church at large, and the church just hasn't noticed.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 24 January at 11:24pm

"); } // if (entryid=='18001100100947') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Look at that I got it to work!

After reading your reply I see where you are going with this, because I wasn't sure at first. I agree with Zoe that there is no way that man speaks for me. But in the absence of another voice in the market place he ipso facto does.

Here is the thing though. There are lots, and lots and lots of Christian voices out there that are articulate who publish great books, do great deeds etc. that contradict Roberton's position, however, they never seem to get the same attention as he does, and I am not sure why.

Stephen London | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 24 January at 7:03am

"); } // if (entryid=='18001100100947') {com_pane.document.writeln("

In a way I agree with you - he can't really speak for us. On the other hand, if, out of a group of people, one person stands up and speaks and the others all remain silent, then the others have, ultimately, allowed themselves to be spoken for. Thankfully, many others in the faith are speaking up against Pat Robertson, and so they are preventing him from speaking for us. The problem is that the media focus is on those Christians speaking out against Robertson, instead of those speaking directly on the topic of how Christians should be reacting to Haiti. So the world hears Christianity saying 'No, our opinion is not that', but they will have a hard time believing that until we present a viable alternative point of view, until someone says 'Here is what our position is'. That, I think, is what is now needed more than anything. We assume the world knows our motives, which is naive; the world now views any Christian action with suspicion.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 20 January at 10:33pm

"); } // if (entryid=='18001100100947') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I must disagree with you. He does not speak for us as Christians. He speaks as a Christian, and tries to claim that he speaks for us. One Canadian standing up and saying that every Canadian lives in an Igloo, does not speak for all Canadians. He mearly speaks as a Canadian, and while his popularity may affect how others view Canadians, it does not mean he was speaking 'for' us. The same applies to Pat Robertson. Now if Stephen Harper were to do the same thing, he would be speaking for Canadians, it would prove he was an idiot, but in his position he would be speaking for us.

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 20 January at 9:18pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

How can I forget Moist? And recently I had an epic Dark Side of the Moon battle with a loud upstairs neighbour and couldn't help but think of you. Hope all is well.

SadlyMoistboy | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 17 January at 1:01am

"); } // if (entryid=='1200110233151') {com_pane.document.writeln("

You're right. The decision gets complicated fast. Often I end up just kind of standing there frozen, and if you do that long enough, both options disappear.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 16 January at 9:43am

"); } // if (entryid=='1200110233151') {com_pane.document.writeln("

The problem is, that when you choose to take the time to grab the camera, and take the photo, you really can't come down hard on the behavior. So really the decision is should I put a stop to this right now, or should I take the picture, and be gentle about it, risking that it might happen again, and then will require stern correction.

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Friday, 15 January at 8:06pm

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Sorry to anyone getting the RSS feed including comments, but I need to do a test comment here.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 9 January at 10:18pm

"); } // if (entryid=='') {com_pane.document.writeln("

| Email | Homepage
posted on

"); } // if (entryid=='') {com_pane.document.writeln("

| Email | Homepage
posted on

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("


Nice to see you drop in. And of course some U2 came out, along with some Radiohead, Moist (remember them? hehe), Floyd... you know. Not much different than 97, actually.

Trying to sell my wife on the idea of buying an electric. Got my eye on a black Epiphone Special II. I know it's not high end, but I just plain like it.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 9 January at 9:37am

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

You know you had me at guitar, right?

Did you rock out some U2 like in 97?

Sadboy | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 9 January at 12:00am

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Who said anything about balance?

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 6 January at 11:49pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

So how do you balance the need to play the guitar, with the need for sleep?

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 6 January at 11:07pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Glad you're enjoying it, Jess. Thought you might like the feeds. Figured a site like this really should have them, anyway.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 6 January at 3:04pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0500110221142') {com_pane.document.writeln("

It's a funny time of year. I find myself strangely motivated to play my guitar more often too.

I'm enjoying the BP 2.0 and the increased frequency of posting. I'm also pretty thrilled about the RSS. I'll never miss another update!

Jess | Email | Homepage
posted on Wednesday, 6 January at 8:02am

"); } // if (entryid=='0300110232014') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I get to put together an Ikea kitchen soon! hurray for me!

Jensmo the amazing | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 4 January at 11:50pm

"); } // if (entryid=='0300110232014') {com_pane.document.writeln("

'Relief' might be the word for what you feel when you finally leave the parking lot. Because that feeling really doesn't occur when you walk out the door (at that point you're still dreading having to deal with strapping things to the roof of the car).

You're absolutely right.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Monday, 4 January at 12:00am

"); } // if (entryid=='0300110232014') {com_pane.document.writeln("

The thing about Ikea is that while you want to tear your hair out, and cry at times. You never feel the same satisfaction after FINALLY getting your purchase together that you do with other purchases. I mean after battling with your kids play kitchen for 2 hours, one can't help but feel a huge (false) sense of winning.

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 3 January at 11:57pm

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Little did I know you were tired and dying before.

For the 'lover of multi-footed things' thing do you mean you adore a millipede more than a ladybug by virtue of having more legs??

Travis L | Email | Homepage
posted on Sunday, 3 January at 9:13am

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

Thanks, all. And Zoe, you're probably just happy because this means I won't be working as obsessively on this site when I should be doing other husbandish things. Nah, I know that's not the only reason.

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 January at 7:55pm

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I myself restarted my own webpage/blog a little over a year ago, and with this, your first post, you have tied the sum total of my productivity. Well done. Show-off.

Mike | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 January at 7:02pm

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

I'm glad you were finally able to get 2.0 up and running!!!
Here's to hoping you continue to to let things go that have no real significance.

Zoe | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 January at 6:54pm

"); } // if (entryid=='02001100103455') {com_pane.document.writeln("

And I just need to make sure that the comments business goes smoothly...

TSM | Email | Homepage
posted on Saturday, 2 January at 2:14am

"); } // } function addcomments(entryid, rsstitle) { var ampm; var stamp = new Date(); var day = stamp.getDay(); var datemn = stamp.getDate(); var month = stamp.getMonth(); var hr = stamp.getHours(); var min = stamp.getMinutes(); monthYear = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); dayWeek = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); ampm = "am"; if(min<10){ min = "0" + min } if(hr>12){ hr = hr-12 ampm = "pm" } if(hr==0){ hr = "12" ampm = "am" } var timestamp = (dayWeek[day] + ", " + datemn + " " + monthYear[month] + " at " + hr + ":" + min + ampm); add_pane ="","add_pane","height=500,width=500,resizable"); add_pane.document.writeln("Add a Comment"); add_pane.document.writeln("
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